
Current Issue

No 2 (2024): AACINI-RIII / 2024 / N°11

This issue of our academic journal addresses the current challenges of industrial engineering, exploring its impact on education, sustainability, digitalization, and process optimization.

The editorial reflects on the importance of incorporating soft skills into the training of industrial engineers, emphasizing the need for ethical and leadership competencies in addition to technical knowledge.

In the articles section, the use of agro-industrial waste in the production of lightweight ceramic bricks is analyzed, proposing a sustainable alternative for construction. A literature review on logistics, energy, and sustainability is also provided, discussing trends and opportunities in supply chain optimization. Another study examines the challenges of engineering education in the era of Industry 5.0, where digitalization and automation redefine professional roles. Additionally, strategies for talent retention in Agtech startups are presented, a growing sector with high innovation demand. Plant layout in industrial environments is another topic explored, addressing the implementation of Industry 4.0 to optimize space utilization and production efficiency.

In the thesis review section, case studies with concrete applications of entrepreneurship and innovation are included.

Through these articles, this issue of the journal invites reflection on the role of industrial engineers in a constantly evolving context, where innovation, sustainability, and digitalization are key to the future of the discipline.

Published: 2025-02-24
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AACINI - Revista Internacional de Ingeniería Industrial y Afines

ISSN 2684-060X

Asociación Argentina de Carreras de Ingeniería Industrial - AACINI

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